EnSafe established the West Tennessee Wetland Mitigation Bank to mitigate the dramatic losses in the forested wetlands of West Tennessee during the last century.
Today, Tennessee’s streams and wetlands are protected under Sections 404/401 of the Clean Water Act and the Tennessee Water Quality Control Board rules. Where permitted development/construction activities will have unavoidable impacts, those impacts must be mitigated to ensure no net loss of water resource value. Applicants seeking permits for wetland alterations may purchase compensatory mitigation credits from an approved mitigation bank.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in coordination with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and Interagency Review Team, has approved EnSafe’s wetland mitigation bank, West Tennessee Wetland Mitigation Bank.
EnSafe has completed requirements for the initial release of 20 percent of the 126.6 total bank credits, having planted over 54,000 native wetland trees and shrubs across the property. Credit release milestones are based on meeting designated ecological performance standards over a seven-year timeline.
Loosahatchie River
HUC 08010209 - Shelby, Tipton, Fayette, Hardeman Counties
Mississippi River
HUC 08010100 - Dyer, Lauderdale, Lake, Shelby, Tipton Counties
Indian Creek
HUC 0801020806 - Tipton County
Cane Creek
HUC 0801020807 - Lauderdale County